On movie sets often boil real passions: the stars quarrel with each other, scandalized with the directors and other participants in the filming process. Sometimes scandals end in a reconciliation, and sometimes squabbles lead to the fact that the parties to the conflict do not talk for years. Here’s a look at the most high-profile scandals that happened on the set.
“Fast 8”: Dwayne Johnson VS Vin Diesel
Rumor has it that differences between Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel arose while working on the 7th “Fast and the Furious”, but on the set of the 8th part, it became obvious that the two do not like each other. What caused the dislike of the actors – is unknown. But Johnson accused Diesel on social media of unprofessionalism and cowardice. In his post, he did not name a colleague, but users quickly guessed who he was talking about.
It got to the point that the actors on the set refused to appear in joint scenes. Editors had to connect all their skills to the viewer to believe that the whole frame, not glued. In the promotional campaign for “Fast and the Furious 8” actors also participated separately. In Hollywood, there were different rumors about this: some said that the stars will figure out the relationship in the ring, while others assured that there is no quarrel, and the disagreement – nothing more than a PR campaign. But in the ninth part of the franchise, Dwayne Johnson is not declared in the cast, so there was a scandal after all.
“Charlie’s Angels: Lucy Liu VS Bill Murray
During the filming of “Charlie’s Angels” Bill Murray had a fight with Lucy Liu. Actor on the set behaved disgusting: he was frankly annoyed by not the most talented remarks, and even with colleagues, he did not feel much trepidation. Especially got Lucy Liu. Once, while filming Murray said that Lucy – mediocrity. Bill said that Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz at least have the talent, but what is doing here Liu – he, frankly, does not understand, because she can not play. And he said it right in the face of the actress when she said her words. She became enraged and jumped on her colleague with fists. The whole crew had to break up the brawl, the shooting stopped for a day, to come to their senses. In the end, “Angels” finished filming, but in the sequel Murray was not called.
Later in the interview, Bill said that he and Lucy Liu had a little spat. In fact, it pissed off the other “angelic” girl, but who – he never admitted it.
“Groundhog Day” Bill Murray VS director Harold Ramis
Actor Bill Murray has a reputation in Hollywood for being a scandal. Even on the set of a good comedy “Groundhog Day” Murray managed to get into a scandal. And, he had a quarrel with a close friend – the director of the comedy Harold Ramis. “Groundhog Day” is the sixth joint film work of the creative duo Murray – Ramis and, unfortunately, the last one.
The scandal grew gradually, and by the end of the filming process it had gained momentum. About six weeks before filming began, Bill told Harold that he did not like the script and that it needed to be refined. At the same time, the creative team has long been engaged in the elaboration of the project, and Murray himself has been actively involved in the process. But at that moment Bill was going through a difficult divorce process and, according to eyewitness accounts, was behaving obnoxiously. Ramis made no concessions to the actor, and he, in turn, constantly disrupted shooting – was late, disappeared for several days, constantly argued with the director, imposing their vision of this or that scene. Of course, the film finished shooting, but all ended with the fact that the actor and director, who previously worked productively cooperated, stopped communicating for 20 long years. They spoke to each other only just before the death of Ramis – the director was terminally ill.
“Terminator: May the Savior Come”: Christian Bale VS Cameraman Shane Hurlbut
The scandal broke in 2008 on the set of the fourth “Terminator”. However, the public learned about it shortly before the rental of the blockbuster. An unknown user has published on the network audio recording, where the performer starring Christian Bale, without choosing his words, scolding the operator of the picture Shane Hurlbata, who had the carelessness to appear in the frame, thereby “knocking” Bale out of character. The cameraman excuses himself, the star scolds and even demands the immediate dismissal of Shane.
The public, of course, condemned the actor’s behavior. For him, even intervened director of the fourth “Terminator” McGee, justifying the behavior of the star of fatigue and nerves, which invariably accompany the process of filming. Director’s arguments seemed to sound convincing, but then in social networks reacted to what is happening Bale’s sister and mother. They said that the actor has always been unbalanced and is not even alien to physical abuse in the family. Flared serious scandal, which subsided only after the perpetrator repented in a popular radio show and said he really thinks Hurlbutt real pro. After a while, some skeptics began to speculate that perhaps there was no scandal and that the audio recording was just viral advertising to attract viewers’ attention to the film. But the cameraman himself confirms that the unpleasant incident was not staged.
“Blade 3: Trinity: Wesley Snipes VS crew
On the set of the superhero action movie “Blade 3” the performer of the main role – Wesley Snipes – distinguished himself. He clashed with the entire crew. The actor does not like the script, he even tried to change it. Snipes expressed dissatisfaction with the appearance in the third part of the new characters, questioned the talent of his colleagues. In the end, the actor began to behave so strangely that the crew even began to suspect he was insane: He refused to leave his trailer, even when it came time to shoot his scenes, did not respond to his name, asking to call it only Blade, and then completely stopped talking to David Goyer – the director of the picture.
Action film, of course, managed to finish shooting, but colleagues assure Snipes that to work with him it was very hard. Even during the promotional campaign actor did not hold back and quarreled with a colleague: Ryan Reynolds publicly condemned Snipes nasty behavior on the set, to which Wesley advised to “keep your mouth shut to live longer.
“Transformers: Megan Fox VS Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg
After finishing work on “Transformers,” Megan Fox suddenly became outspoken. The actress said that the director of the franchise Michael Bay behaved on the set as a real dictator. She even compared him to Hitler. Megan said that the director’s demands nearly caused a tragedy: Bay forced her and Shia Labaf to perform such complicated stunts that they almost died.
The director did not want to scandalize the actress and admitted that he can be really overly demanding and tough during the filming process, but it’s all in the name of the result. The scandal would probably have ended there if the actress’ words had not enraged Steven Spielberg – the producer of the franchise. It was Spielberg who insisted that there was no Megan in the third part of “Transformers”. But with Bay, Fox made up, though, a couple of years later. She herself called him and asked for forgiveness. At this time Bay just started working on “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”. He was so happy with Megan’s call that he immediately invited her to play April O’Neil. The actress, as you know, accepted.
“Diary of a Memory.” Ryan Gosling VS Rachel McAdams
In the much-loved Nick Cassavetes melodrama “The Notebook” between the lead actors – Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling – there is a real “chemistry”. But on the set, a scandal erupted between the two: they could not tolerate each other and openly declared it. Gosling even asked Cassavetes in front of the entire crew to change the actress: He thought McAdams unpleasant person, in addition, doubted her acting abilities. Ryan has frankly admitted that he can not work with Rachel, and she did not choose words to his address. Actors constantly quarreled, Gosling insisted on a change of partner. Cassavetes already began to doubt that any of this will work. In an act of desperation, he took Gosling to the producer. The actor began to persuade the producer to change the actress, but he saw only McAdams in this role: the result between the producer and Ryan had a major fight.
The story ended with the fact that everyone remained in their roles. Colleagues had to “adapt” to each other. And, as you can see from the result, they did great. But the most interesting thing happened after the premiere of “The Memory Diary”: suddenly, the performers of the main roles began to actively communicate, but so close that they became a couple, and then even prostrovchili more than three years. From the loud scandals to love, as it turned out, just one step.
“Kramer vs. Kramer: Meryl Streep VS Dustin Hoffman
Robert Benton’s 1979 film Kramer vs. Kramer won five Academy Awards, including awards for lead actors Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman. But things didn’t go as smoothly between these actors on set as they did at the ceremony. Meryl Streep had her own vision of the film, she tried to change the storyline, improvising at every step, arguing with the director. Such behavior of the star did not like her partner Dustin Hoffman. The actor thought that this is how Streep wants to show her superiority over others. Hoffman said to the actress’s face what he thinks of her “antics”. Of course, Meryl Streep was not silent – a scandal broke out. Until the end of the filming process these two argued daily for a long time behind the scenes, and then smiled at each other nicely at the Oscars.
“The Tourist: Angelina Jolie VS Johnny Depp
On the set of “The Tourist” Jolie and Depp daily tried to show others and each other who the best actor here. Naturally, because of this, they regularly had minor clashes. It came to the fact that Depp called Angelina arrogant arrogant. The actress in debt did not leave and said that the star of “Pirates of the Caribbean” is very unorganized, and in general, his acting training is lame.
For all their dislike for each other, Jolie and Depp had to play on the set of “The Tourist” raging passion. This did not like the wife of the main “pirate” of Hollywood, Vanessa Paradis. She even insisted that her husband leave the project, because for Jolie entrenched the reputation of the divorcee – she stole Brad Pitt from the beautiful Jennifer Aniston just on the set. Depp calmed his wife down as best he could, and even insisted that the scenes with Jolie were less explicit than the director had planned. Eventually, Jolie and Depp’s squabbles turned into a friendship: the actors got to know each other better and realized that they had a lot in common, such as a love of black humor.
“Dirty Dancing”: Jennifer Grey VS Patrick Swayze
The romantic dance melodrama “Dirty Dancing” could not have been a box office hit if there was no chemistry between the partners. But apparently, Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze are good actors, since they were able to portray this very “chemistry”, when in reality it was not even a thing.
Actors constantly quarreled on the set of “Dirty Dancing”, Swayze thought Gray is not professional enough actress, so regularly gave the girl advice, which only drove her mad. When it came to dancing, it turned out that Grey’s skills are not as impressive as producers thought, she urgently had to tighten up gaps in dance steps. This prompted ridicule from Swayze, who had a dancing background. In the end, during their work together, the two accumulated so much resentment against each other that by the end of the filming process, the actors simply did not talk. Only many years later, the stars of “Dirty Dancing” made up.